October 7, 2024

Hello, My Dear Friends,

It’s hard for me to remember what I preached even a few weeks ago, for as soon as Monday morning rolls around, I begin working on the next sermon.  However, occasionally someone will reference a sermon I may have preached several years ago which remains lodged in the memory.  One of our parishioners recently recalled a sermon I had preached a few years back that I had entitled, “The Power of a Word.”  

One of my favorite biblical scholars, Dr. William Barclay, once wrote an essay entitled, “Life-Changing Words.”  He based the essay on a quotation from the Old Testament that says, “The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary” (Isaiah 50:4).  People are seldom changed by force or power, but they can certainly be changed by the power of the words we speak.  We should never underestimate the power of the spoken word.

Early in Imagine Church’s time at Gordon-Conwell Seminary, Nancy Nutter led a book study of The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  I discovered that my love language is “words of affirmation.”  Few things encourage a person more than for someone to call, text, or visit and say, “You have done a great job.”  That’s especially true if the road has been difficult and the journey long.  Wise is the one who takes the time to express appreciation for another person regarding a special achievement.  It affects the lives of all concerned.

Please never forget the value of offering words of sympathy.  No one makes it through this world without walking through dark valleys.  Life gives to all of us its sorrows as well as its joys.  We can often feel as if we’re carrying our burdens alone, but it can bring courage and strength to know that others are thinking of you.  In ministry I often hear people say, “I never knew how important my friends are,” or “I couldn’t have made it without my friends.”  These are testimonies to the importance of extending a caring word.  All that is needed sometimes is the simple phrase, “I care.”

Life-changing words!  They are immensely important.  Countless people are struggling with life.  An encouraging word could alter their world.  Never be hesitant to share a word of affirmation, appreciation, or sympathy with another human being.  Like the harvest of planted seeds, such thoughtfulness is always returned.

The right words can restore vitality to someone’s life,

Bruce Jones, Pastor

Imagine Church

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