Our Pastor and Staff

Bruce Jones, Pastor and Co-Creator
Bruce Jones is co-creator and pastor of Imagine Church and has had almost every experience imaginable in church world, serving as a youth minister, organizing pastor of a new church while in his 20s, and pastor of a college church then a university church which were among the fastest-growing faith communities in the Carolinas. He has served in both United Methodist and interdenominational faith settings and holds degrees from High Point University and Duke University. He has extensive experience in congregational development, been a church growth consultant for many years and has served on the boards for United Methodist Campus Ministry and the International Council of Community Churches.
Bruce knows that we all have questions and struggles as well as victories and joys. He doesn’t worry about one’s past, because he knows that no one is too messed up for God or for God’s church.
Bruce and his wife Tyra have their son Joshua in the home with them, a daughter Lauren who resides with her family on St. John in the US Virgin Islands and a son Jonathan, living in Charlotte. Bruce and Tyra also enjoy time with their three grandchildren.
Life Groups
Join a Community
Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life around a table.
One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal.
If you are interested in joining a Life group please email us directly.