I was a teenager when I became convinced I knew what I was supposed to do with my life. I didn’t know how to do it yet, but I knew I was supposed to be a pastor. Now there are lots better pastors out there, but I’ve never wavered in that central conviction of purpose and calling. Imagine Church has given me the chance to continue doing what I’ve long known I was supposed to do.
From the time I was young and just starting out, however, I have lived with a particular fear. You know what my fear has been? I have feared waking up and finding that I was pastor of just an “ordinary” church.
Early in ministry, I would talk with older and supposedly wiser pastors, and I would confess my fear. Some of them would say, “Bruce, I used to be the same way. I used to feel the same thing, and part of this is just your age and your idealism.” It would make me so mad. I would think, “No! You just sold out! Your just compromised! You allowed the system to conform you and take you off track and off task from what you know that God originally called you to do.”
What feeds my soul about Imagine Church is the knowledge that we have so many men and women here who understand that it’s not about a structure, a program, a format; it’s about a mission to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. And we have chosen to do whatever we have to do to stay on task for a lifetime and for the duration of our lives and of our church.
I’m grateful for the privilege of still being able to do what I’m supposed to do, and I want to be a part of what’s over the horizon for Imagine Church. We are people on a mission. And the mission is about making disciples.
This is not optional for Christians. This is the mission to which we have all been called, corporately and also individually. And once we accept it and begin to live out that mission, God will take it from there. And our lives will never be the same.