July 24, 2023

Good Monday Morning, My Dear Friends,

There was an event in the life of Jesus that we need to remind ourselves of often. It’s the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well found in John, chapter 4, verses 3-26. It’s one of the most fascinating and enlightening conversations you’ll read in the Bible about Jesus.  

The story says that “Jesus had to go through Samaria.” No, he didn’t. No Jewish rabbi ever went through Samaria. Jews hated Samaritans. Whenever they traveled, they always went around Samaria, but never through it. However, Jesus did on purpose. When this woman came to the well, he talked to her. Women were considered second-class citizens in that culture. A man didn’t interact with them in any kind of formal, public way, much less teach them the way Jesus did. And then there was the woman’s reputation. When you’ve had five husbands and you’re now living with a sixth man, word gets around. A religious leader wouldn’t dare be seen in public with her, but Jesus did.

One of the deepest fears that many people have about coming to God with the emotional emptiness they feel is the fear that they would be rejected. That God wouldn’t want anything to do with them, that they wouldn’t receive anything but condemnation. However, Jesus demonstrated that this is absolutely not true. This is not who God is, nor is it what God is like.

Jesus went into Samaria and talked with the woman who had this questionable reputation. Jesus would sit down with you, too, and talk with you about the very same thing. He would talk with you about living water that would quench the thirst of your soul. Because that’s Jesus. And that’s what we’re trying to be about at Imagine Church.

I know what you may be expecting to read about now. You’re expecting to see the word, “But.” However, there’s no “but” when it comes to God and God’s love for you. God’s compassion and understanding are undoubtedly greater than we could ever imagine. Jesus simply offered the Samaritan woman grace — and that’s what He offers you as well.

If you’re concerned about rejection or condemnation, I want to invite you into the search and into the journey. I want to invite you to see what Jesus may say about who you are, and about His love and grace for you. At Imagine Church, we want to share with you what we have learned, and are learning, about what Christianity holds for our lives. We want to wrap our arms around you and walk with you through life. Because here you are loved. You are so loved.

Together we’re on a search for God’s grace and truth,

Bruce Jones, Pastor Imagine Church

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