That They May All Be One

One of the early decisions the founding leaders of Imagine Church were led to make was to be an ecumenical, interdenominational community of faith — but that didn’t mean independent.  We wanted to find a way to demonstrate that we were part of the worldwide Christian movement.  The answer was to become a member of the International Council of Community Churches, an international, intercultural, interracial fellowship of churches which seeks Christian unity in local, national, and world relations.  It has become a natural fit for Imagine Church.

Comprised of 110 churches, 533 pastors, and 62,161 individuals, the ICCC actively works to build community and to draw the circle wider to embrace all races, cultures, and people under the umbrella of the Christian community.  it features extraordinary leadership in the visionary and dynamic Executive Director Phil Tom and an amazing Administrator in DeAnn Anzaldi.

It is my privilege to serve on the Board of Trustees of the ICCC, and each time we meet I am reminded that God desires a united church, one that professes faith in the same Savior Jesus Christ, honors the same creator God, and serves by the presence and power of the same Holy Spirit despite the differences in our faith traditions.  The ICCC reminds us that “that which unites us” is infinitely greater than that which would divide us.  We bring into this common expression of faithfulness the best of the various traditions represented among us.

Our participation in the ICCC has led me to wonder:  if the church can be united by common purpose, collective desire, and mutual love and respect, then maybe there is hope that the world will one day be united in mutual service to the needs of humankind.

I am grateful for the priorities of the ICCC, and for the glimpses it provides that the people of God’s church can live as one — and for the hope it gives that maybe, just maybe, that one day, all people will sit at the table of peace, and share the bread and cup of salvation, and that all might say, “Praise be to God, who is Lord and Father of us all.”

As I prepare for Annual Conference in a few days, my prayer has been, “Start with us, God.”  Just as Jesus prayed in Gethsemane that all his followers might be one, I pray that God reminds us that we are always one church, united under one Lord, with one faith, and one baptism.  This will be the prayer of God’s people in Jacksonville next week as well.  May God hear our prayer, and may the work of the ICCC prosper, and may its witness help lead the world to faith and mutual respect in the name of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

In the name of the One who can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
Bruce Jones, Pastor and Co-Creator,
Imagine Church of the Carolinas