This is Christmas

The coming of Jesus into the world at Christmas did change the way the world thought of God.  Before, the thought of God always meant bad news — displeasure, judgment, discipline, punishment.  But from that moment on,from the birth of Jesus forward, until this very day, we know that the nature and character of God is that of grace.  And that is such good news.

In fact, it’s such good news that even if we never change, if we never receive it, if we never recognize it, the offer still stands.  Jesus gives us a “no strings attached” offer of salvation.  It is yours for the taking.  And if you ignore it, if you take advantage of it, if you despise it, God says, “I will not withdraw the offer.  Because it’s grace.”

Maybe that’s why the angels said, “This is good news.  This isn’t bad news.  Today in the city of David a Savior has been born.”  And right before they left, they spoke these words that have become famous:  “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men and women, on whom his favor rests.”

Peace to men and women on whom his favor rests.  Even though some will reject his offer.  Even though some won’t take advantage of it.  Knowing that we will make promises and break promises — in spite of all that, this is a “no strings attached” offer.  And the only way to describe the offer is to say, clearly, that “on mankind rests the favor of the Father.”  And that is Christmas.

In the name of the One who can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
Bruce Jones, Pastor and Co-Creator,
Imagine Church of the Carolinas