It’s All about Community

The devotional this week is written by Heidi Chausse, our Ministerial Intern, who, along with Imagine Kids Minister Lydia Smith and Randy Turner, served as adult counselor for CentriKid Camp June 25-29. 

The first church was a church of community.  We see in Acts 2:42-47 that the people lived together sharing their resources and gifts so that no one was in need.  In the churches that Paul ministered to, the people gathered and worked together.  In Thessalonica, Paul worked day and night with the people so he could share the Good News of the Gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:9).

I am reminded of this community as I reflect on this past week at camp with our 2nd through 6th grade children.  I am reminded by the 14 children (and 3 adults) who shared meals, rooms, and life together 24 hours a day for 5 days.  During these days, they worshiped together, hiked, studied the Bible, participated in games, and joined in prayer.  They were not in community with just one another but with hundreds of other children and adults.  It is no wonder that “drama” happened or that some “poor” choices were made but all these things helped, as one child said, “to form us,” and the good things far outweighed the bad.  Life is hard.  Learning to live well takes faith and maturity.  I know that I continue to be a work in progress.

This community living is not normal to us.  It is not what we are used to.  Most of us live within a family.  The family unit can be a family of 1 or 10, but generally not hundreds.  Even those with extended family close by do not usually share that kind of proximity.

As I reflect on the week, I am so proud of the way the children gathered and encouraged one another.  Excitement overcomes me as I consider the way they spread their wings and learned some independence while embracing the consequences of their choices.  I am encouraged as I look at our future and see what God is drawing together for His kingdom.  May we learn from them, gathering as a community, not only on Sunday but every day, worshiping, praying, and sharing life together as the Scripture teaches and sharing the Gospel with others.

In the name of the One who can accomplish immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine,
Heidi Chausse, Ministerial Intern,
Imagine Church of the Carolinas